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FAQ's (Frequently Asked Questions)

When will I be notified of when practices begin?

Typically, coaches will notify their players when practices begin in early to mid-August (Fall season) or mid-March (Spring season). 

How long is the soccer season?

The Fall season starts in late August. Games begin around Labor Day, and generally run through the end of October. The Spring season starts in late March. Games begin after Spring Break, and generally run through the end of May.

When and where are games played?

Games are played on Saturdays (9am to 5pm) and Sundays (12pm to 5pm). Locations on our soccer fields are located HERE.

What about practices?

Practices are usually one night a week and last about an hour. During registration, you can note your preference for practice night and time. Glendale Soccer relies on volunteers to coach and they are able to choose the practice schedule that works best for them. We will do our very best to accommodate your preference.

What are the age groups?

Glendale Soccer is open for players ages 4 through 19. We use grade level to place players in divisions. Players in Pre-K/K (U6), 1st/2nd grade (U8) and 3rd/4th grade (U10) play in the Recreation program. Players in 5th/6th grade (U12), 7th/8th grade (U14) and high school participate in the Recreation Plus program. Recreation Plus teams play against other area clubs on the Northeast side of Indianapolis At the end of the season, Recreation Plus teams are invited to play in an end of the season tournament.

Can a child play in an older age group (“play up”) or a child play in a younger age group (“play down”)?

While this generally is not advised, a player who is at the oldest age for their classification may be allowed to play in the next oldest age group. We do not allow a player to “play down.” A parent or guardian will have to make a special request at registration or speak with the Club President.

My child has little soccer experience. Will they get much playing time?

Coaches are directed to divide playing time as equally as possible for all players, regardless of ability.

What equipment is needed?

We encourage each child to bring a soccer ball to practices and games. Shin guards and cleats are required for practice and games. A water bottle should be brought to every game and practice. Full uniforms are provided to all recreational players, which includes a numbered jersey, soccer shorts and socks.

Can my child be placed on a team with their friends or a particular coach?

While there is a place in our registration system to enter a Friend or Coach Request, such requests should not be looked at as guarantees. We’ll do our very best to accommodate your request.

What about “rain-outs” or cancellations?

Rain does not mean a game or practice is cancelled. For games, coaches and referees must meet at the field to determine playing conditions before canceling. Players should report to the field by game time. Soccer can be safely played in a light to moderate rain. We will not play or practice while lightning is visible from the field location.

Practices may be cancelled at the coach’s discretion. Make sure you have a clear understanding with your coach what the criteria and procedure will be for canceling a practice. Coaches may ask players to report to practice so that conditions can be evaluated before canceling

Will soccer conflict with other sports?

Glendale Soccer encourages all kids to play multiple sports. There may be times when there is a conflict if your child is playing another sport. Please inform your coach as early as possible of any/all conflicts. They will need to plan their practice/games accordingly.

What are the qualifications for being a coach? 

Soccer experience is not required. The rules are easy to learn and we have a lot of training information and resources available for new coaches. Each season, we offer a course for coaches to learn more about the game. The most important factor to being a successful coach is having a positive attitude! Coaches are required by state and federal law to take Safe Sport courses and complete background checks before the season starts.

What does a team parent do?

Team parents help the coach organize the game snack schedule, team communication (phone and email tree), and organizing the team on picture day.

Glendale Soccer Association

P.O. Box 20704 
Indianapolis, Indiana 46220
Email : [email protected]
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